Happy International Tatting Day!!! In a world that's trying it's best to pull us all apart, it's wonderful to have an excuse to come together! And bonus points: you're supposed to eat chocolate today! Score! What a great day. Though I'm still struggling, personally, I am overjoyed looking at others' works. Some have even been brave enough to post their failures, and that's also inspiring. Some days, the devil just wants to hold you down and tell you you're defeated. But thank God that God is such a BIG God. Bigger than the lies of the devil. Bigger than my feelings. Bigger than the failures that threaten to keep me locked inside so no one sees. So much talent is lurking out there... shuttle designers, pattern designers, tatters, video makers, bloggers, vloggers, teachers. I encourage you to look. Just a YouTube search and you'll find a whole new world! Join a Facebook group about tatting, there are so many goo...