Inspired by Debra's Blog
My friend Debra
recently wrote a blog post about jars in her blog. (If you're not a regular reader, I encourage you to read it as it is always thought-provoking). Please read it here. In the post she spoke of several "jars" and what they might contain... It got me thinking about my own "jars" and what I had put into them over the years, but also what they were FOR.
Not Just for Show
In the Tuesday Women's Bible study, we're studying the fruit of the Spirit. One of the things we've talked about is that the "fruit" that we grow isn't so we can strut around showing off our beautiful fruit... mostly because it isn't ours anyway; it's fruit of the Spirit. Rather this fruit that we grow is meant to be consumed. People around us are starving for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control.
Back to the Jars
Which got me thinking about Deb's post and the jars. It's not enough to fill them and hoard them. It's not enough to line them up as pretty bauble holders filled with colorful trinkets. It's not enough to admire my collection of them. And I certainly shouldn't "can them" - sealing them shut in an effort of preservation... I need to have them open! I should share them with any and everyone!
The Pickle Jar
Deb said of this jar, "Pickle jar: Oh yes, we know about being in a pickle. Yet this jar reminds us that even though we may be immersed in the vinegar of life, we can still be a crisp, delightful snap of joy."
I cringed inwardly when I read that description. "We can be a delightful snap of JOY??" Really? Then God started nudging my heart about the fruit we had been studying. He gently reminded me that I don't have to let what's happening AROUND me seep INSIDE of me. Even if I am surrounded by vinegar situations, I don't have to wallow. I don't have to shrivel, either. I can be full of joy! I can spread that joy to others.
My take-away
As I look at my tatting channel, ability, and moving forward in it all, I've decided that I will be "hands open" rather than tight-fisted, holding onto my "jars". Others have done it better, so I will point to them. I don't have to reinvent the wheel, so I won't. I will demonstrate and offer my own two cents and expect that in many instances I will get change back (lol). I will share my jars and the seeds of fruit that God has placed in me, I will allow to grow to nourish others. I will not have an abundance of pickles. Thanks Deb, for the reminders.
A funny
In preparation for this blog post, I went back to reread Debra's Jars post. In the meantime, she had posted again... read it: here. Yes, Debra (and God) I hear you....
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